Tuesday, February 5, 2008

syah @ abg syah's birthday

i've been away quite sometimes. busy with work i guess, or buat-buat sibuk. actually this entry dah lama terperam kat sini but today only i can post it. we celebrated syah's a.k.a abg syah birthday at twenty one kitchen & bar. i headed to kl on sunday and straight to klcc to meet with my 2 other half, aud n nis. after gossip, that actually can't finish for us, we then been joined by the rest of family except for jotjot. bought 2 dresses for myself from topshop n mng (aud sure marah). reached twenty one kithcen & bar almost 9pm. we had so much fun, gelak-gelak, borak-borak, minum-minum,makan-makan,gelak-gelak lagi dan lagi. after twenty one, dropped by at aud n anes place in bandar baru sentul to take mat's car and their stuffs, then we shoot to nilai to send wawa. after sending wawa, lepak for a while at mamak coz anes needs a hot drink. i was wondering how we managed to discuss a serious topics that we never discuss it before. everybody were so excited about the topic. hahahah u guys giler la.
from nilai we drove back to melaka with 2 cars, eh actually 3 cars ok. 3 cars with only 6 peoples. macam org giler, mat wit duan in mat's car, anes wit syah in anes's car and myself wit aud in my car..haih dah kaya sangat kot. we reached melaka around 5.30 in the morning...
and the sad,shocked,unexpected thing happened to me. and everybody were shocked. in the afternoon monday, when all of us get ready to have our lunch and i'm supposed to go back after lunch...duan who are outside of the house, mentioned (not mention but jerit to us) about my car. stupid, all my tyres (all 4 ok) been stolen. just left my car with the bricks.!!! what the hell. i was so shocked to see my car like that. never in my life experienced that thing ok. so don't expect me to gelak2 or what so ever, i almost cry when i saw my car. and some stupid people when they know about it, bleh gelak. as if like i'm the one who called the pencuri to curik all my tyres with my sport rims. sial je kan. after the police report, replaced the tyres and everything, send my car to mat's house as i didn't dare to leave my car at aud's again that nite...and i had to take emergency leave for the following day.
but when to think about it again, kelakar pun ada, not because of the car or tyres, but because of all of us who looked so shocked until didn't open the door. all of us just stood in front of the door(in the house) without keluar from the house. were so shocked. haih, things happened rite, so take it as an experience.
anyway, im so lucky its happened when i was with my frens so i can rely on them.
by the way, happy birthday abg syahhhh. may god bless u and all ur wish come true.

us, in front of the restaurant

happy birthday's looks like my birthday
isn't it???

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