Saturday, September 19, 2009

Too Good To Be True??

My close friends always said I'm too good with people that I close to. My best friend said I'm too good with the people that I love even they hurt my feeling. My ex-bf said the same thing too. People keep hurting my feeling and I'm still be kind and nice to them. I'm still layan them extra special. But that is just me.
They (my close friends) asked me to think about myself and stop blaming myself and be a bitch. I've tried to when I really hurt but unfortunately, after the feeling is gone, I became to old me again. As I said, it is just me. I always think they will realize by themselves without me telling it. Least that I know, not all people will think the same way as me.
My bestfriend always scolded me for blaming myself for the things that had happened. When she said like that, I will keep it in my mind but at the end of the day, I always the one who said sorry. Not to all people, but only to those who are close to me. For me, at least after I said sorry, I feel a bit release. For me, I've done my part and it's up to them how they want to take it. I'm not asking for their forgiveness, I'm just doing my part.
Is it bad to be too good??


Nazrulhad Hashim said...

kenal nurlina tahun 1999 rasa nya(correct me if iam wrong dear)
dia seorg yang komited, baik hati.. sgt sgt baik hati.. tk pernah rasa mcm dia membenci org..
suka tolong org.. tp dr dlu lagi org suka mcm mengambil kesempatan kat dia.. sbb kan kebaikan kehatian nya selama ini..
dia npk mcm sombong.. pendiam.. tp bila dah kenal.. hahhahaah sgt laa mcm psycho2 jg sebenarnya.. :P kan u kan??

tapa laa u org nk buat apa pd u atau nk ambil kesempatan pada u tapa.. tp jgn laa smpai tergadai nyawa ke apa..
kita jd diri kita.. insyallah ALLAH maha adil.. what comes around goes around kan??

jika spearuh drpada dunia jahat ngn kita.. ada setgh lagi dunia yg insyallah sgt suka kan kita..
tu tkira lagi tu.. planet2 lain kan?? :P

so do what u do best..
dont give a damn what other ppl will say bout u k?

sori mcm mengarut!! :P

leendiaz said...

u!!! thanks..i know u know me very well hehehehe

Nazrulhad Hashim said...

"Hadapi Dengan Senyuman"
