Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ho..Ho..Holiday & Cuti-Cuti With Family

We were supposed to go to Jakarta on the third day but due to early flight the next day back to KL, we had to cancel it. So my mum decided to go to Pasar Baru instead. Yup we went out around 9.30am and straight to Pasar Baru. With my dad around, it wasn't easy to buy things. He will checked whether worth buying or not. But I managed to grab a few materials to make baju kurung for my cousin's wedding early next year and for my Raya's buju kurungs. Since we went there early morning, not so many people like our first visit last year.

This what we do when we were bored waiting for my mum to choose her baju tido. Jeffry had to follow us as he hold the money

At Pasar Baru, Rumah Mode and Cihampelas

After Pasar Baru, we went to a few outlets that we didn't manage to catch up the day before before sent off my parents to hotel. Jeffry and me got another plan without them to go around Bandung with the help of our tour guide. Hehehehehe it much more easier especially when my daddy wasn't around. Mainly to buy things.

Don't say anyhing, I know I'm vain

We had an early flight back to KL on Sunday as my dad need to attend a dinner that night and we need to drop by Ikea to buy a few things. It was so difficult to wake up that day as my brother and I had a late night together at hotel lounge and fun pub. Our flight was supposed at 6.05am Bandung time, but due to bad weather, the flight delayed until 6.45am.

This is 6.45am in Bandung and it was damn cold man. Owh and whatever inside the Bally paperbag, it wasn't mine, it was my dad's

Before boarded on the plane

Leaving Bandung with the zombie face. Mata macam karipap dah!!

Reached KL around 9.30am and straight to Shahrir's house and had lunch with Nadia before headed off to Ikea. We reached Kuantan just in time for my dad to get ready for his dinner.

Till we meet again, Bandung

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