Friday, October 23, 2009

So Far, It Is The Worst

I had a very bad gastric yesterday. I know that I have a gastric but not really bad and I hardly got it. But yesterday was the worst so far. I felt the pain early morning sometime around 5 o'clock in the morning. It was an on off pain so when I came to work at 8.30am I had a nasi lemak without the sambal with the hope that the pain will be gone. Unfortunately it became worst and my dear colleague, Rao brought me to the clinic around 10 am. My family and close friends know that I'm a bit stubborn to go to clinic if I'm sick. And if I really want to go to clinic, that's mean I really in pain. I took the medication but the pain still there and I've vomited more than 2 times. That was when my doctor came to our hotel for his normal visit to employee clinic, I asked him to give me an immediate effect medication. The only thing that he can give me was the injection. Yes, I had injection at my back for gastric with 1 tablet of gastric pill plus the worst gastric syrup that I always refused to take. Being forced by the doctor, I still took it and felt a sleep in my office for a while.
After one hour, I woke up with the pain still there, and went to see him again. I asked for another medication or else I couldn't stand anymore. My dear doctor gave me another 2 tablets of gastric medication, Zenpro Omeprazole with another 2 tablespoons of gastric syrup. I felt asleep in the clinic for about 2 hours before woke up to attend the meeting.
My God, I still feel the pain until now but it is much better today. I just need to watch my food intake and for the time being I only can take light foods as per my doctor advice. I hope I won't get this gastric thingy anymore. So much pain and I wasted like half a day for not doing any work.

1 comment:

Nazrulhad Hashim said...

haihhh!!! sian u..
makan ubat.. bfast jgn lupa..
meal jgn tingal.. ok dear?

take care.. :)