Friday, July 31, 2009

When People Just Don't Understand

I think when we made friends, we tend to lose them. Its kinda sad but whatever it is, we need to accept that. Something happened recently make me keep on questioning myself, do we really need to judge people based on their race, religion, skin colour and all??? Do we really need to do that? Is it because we are two different people so that we can't be friends? Is it wrong to be friends when we are not in the same race, religion and all?? Tell me people is it really wrong because I can't understand that. My bestfriend is a Chinese and I have a bunch of friends from different race, religion and all but none of us treated each other differently. So when people make a big issue of me being friend with their brother, it is difficult for me to accept it. Why they just can't understand the terms of being friends? I can't understand what is the term of friendship to them.
For me, friendship is all about accepting. Friends are people who can accept who you are, listen & share their thoughts, be there for you during your ups and down, share the laughter as well as the sad moments. Friends are the one who sometimes don't have to say anything but just listen to your problem and don't simply judge you. Friendship is not base on what race or religion you are. Again, friendship is all about accepting.

When the whole thing happened to me recently, it is quite sad. And that night when I received a call all the way from a neighbourhood country, I knew something not good will happen. He just finished his so called discussion with the whole family. Yes, apprently the whole family members didn't like him being friends to me. Even just a normal friend. They came out with so called conclusion and asked him to stop communicate with me at all. Reason? Only one thing. Just because we are different. In return, he asked them to come and say sorry to me. But for me, it doesn't matter anymore. For what they want to say sorry for?? If they do, they just doing it because he asked them to do that, not because they want to do it. And being him, he asked me to relax, take it easy, just be normal and forget about everything. It sounded so easy to him. But of course not me. I'm not the kind of person who can simply forget things especially things that made me hurt. And I know things not gonna be the same again after this. I understand he did this because of the respect to the family, but one thing for sure..they hurt me way too much.
The family that I treated like my own family all this while, just threw me away because of this issue. Just because they can't accept the fact that the brother and me being friends. She thought there is something going on between the brother and me. The family, at least the sister and brother in law that were so close to me before and always said I'm part of the family, just totally blame me as if I killed the brother. I still can hear the brother in law's voice (he was very close to me before), " my wife loves you, my children adore you, even my mother in law likes you very much..but how come you do this to us". Please people, tell me something, they way he told me that as if I really took away their brother. Oh my God, that part I wasn't understand at all.

I'm not sad because I can't be friend with him, but the whole situation make me sick. It is sad we have to end up our friendship like this. Whatever it is, we have to accept this. It might difficult to swallow but at the end of the day, life must go on. The ending of a journey is always the beginning of another journey. That is the way of life until it ends.

-thank u very much for everything. i understand sometimes when we made friends, we tend to lose them. i'm sorry if i did anything wrong to u and your family. it was nice knowing u and i'm not regret at all. as u said, life is short so i hope u enjoy it. take care calv-my last text to him.

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