Saturday, August 15, 2009

Get To Know Your Friend

1. what time you get up this morning? first alarm 7.15am but i got up at 7.25am

2. what was the last film you saw at the cinema? Harry Porter

3. what is your favourite TV show? i have a few but i like Lost and Prison Break the most

4. what do you usually have for breakfast? 2 glasses of plain water, i hardly take breakfast

5. what is your favourite dessert?

6. what is your favourite CD at the moment? the one in my car, compilation of my current favourite songs

7. what kind of car do you drive? my cby, 1.6 maroon satria neo

8. favourite sandwich? chicken sandwich

9. what characteristics do you despise? one who promise something but end up break the promise

10. favourite brand of clothing? nothing in particular

11. favourite perfume? DKNY green apple

12. where would you retire? somewhere near the beach

13. what was your most recent memorable birthday? 2008, where i got fuck up and had 3 celebrations at the same time

14. favourite sport to watch? i would say tennis as my parents love tennis

15. furthest place you are sending this? i don't know

16. person you expect to reply back first? Audrey, hahahahha

17. when is your birthday? 1 month & 2 weeks ago

18. are you a morning or a night person? night please

19. any new & exciting news you'd like to share? not at the moment

20. what did you want to be when you were little? a lawyer

21. how are you today? still not feeling well, but in recovering process

22. what is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? 9th - 11th Oct 2009 , Nadia's wedding

23. what is your full name? Nurlina Jamaluddin

24. what are you listening to right now? broken-hearted girl by beyonce

25. what was the last thing you ate? maggi ayam cooked with mushroom sausage, onion, & chili padi. this was last night

26. do you wish on stars? sometimes

27. if you were a crayon, what colour you be? blue

28. the first person u texted on the phone today- my bos

29. favourite soft drink - vanilla coke

30. favourite restaurant - not specific as long as the food is nice

31. what was your favourite toy as a child? - i couldn't remember

32. summer or winter - summer by the beach

33. hug or kisses - i love both

34. do you want you friends to reply back - yes please

35. when was the last time you cried - 2 weeks ago

36. what did you do last night - watched tv with mum & flipped through magazine before i closed my eyes

37. how many keys on your key ring - i have 2 sets of key ring, 1 for my house which i have about 5 keys and another set for office which i have 4 keys. it always with me even im not in kuantan

38. favourite sound - wave sound

39. favourite day of the week - saturday so that i can sleep late and wake up late on sunday

40. do you make friends easily - i choose not to, enough said

41. how many people will you send this to - anybody who reads my blog

42. how many people will respond - i hope as many as they can

1 comment:

just a piece of mind said...

2008 birthday?what happened ya?i dah lupe!