Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When I Can't Stop Thinking

I thought everything will be over. I wanted to believe when CA said everything will be back to normal. I wanted to believed when CA told me nothing bad will happen. I wanted to believe everything, but luckily I didn't believe 100% what CA was saying.
After lunch yesterday, during our normal oxygen time with our normal casual conversation with a friend, suddenly a question came out.

S: u have problem with CBP is it?
L: what problem?
S: i don't know, i don't want to know. i just want to know whether u guys have problem or not
L: nothing
S: u guys didn't communicate to each other right? u guys fought?
L: i communicated with him what
S: but not like before kan
L: i hardly see him recently
S: it's ok, i got my answer

So tell me people. Do you think that everything will be ok? I don't think so. If I ever have a gut or want to break my promise, I'll pick up my phone now and call someone and tell him whatever he said before doesn't make any sense. And I want to tell him this. "i've told u calv. things not gonna be the same again. and things getting worse. and now everybody trying to keep their distance from me, and obviously they judged me based on one side of story"

I think Agnes was right when she told me "it's not worth it to be hurt like this when people don't really appreciate you as a friend. they showed that they aren't your true friend"

Sometimes, I just thinking is it really my fault? Is it really a big mistake and people keep on blaming you? And they think, whatever you do is a mistake? Again, is it really my fault? I need the answer for that. What shall I do? What I need to do?
Thank you very much. Thats all I can say.

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